Should You Throw?

Archival Repost from Referee Magazine - 2004

You’re keying the wide receiver going down the sideline. You see the defensive back grab the receiver’s jersey. Your hand instinctively reaches for “yellow.” How hard was that?

In truth, to effectively determine when a contact foul has occurred it takes a more rigorous programmed thought process. While this process can be applied equally well for all contact fouls, administrative fouls such as pre-snap infractions (false start, illegal motion, illegal shift, etc.) and equipment violations are a different animal. In general, such fouls must be rigorously enforced without regard to impact on the play or the “degree” of violation. Newer officials often have a difficult time distinguishing between the two, and as a result tend to be overly “technical” in dropping a flag for fairly insignificant contact fouls. I hope this article might assist them in developing a better feel for how to properly assess contact fouls.

NFHS Penalty Enforcement Fundamentals

Hello everyone,
I hope this post finds you and your families safe and healthy during these strange and uncertain times.
I’ve put together a document which covers the rules and principles of NFHS penalty enforcement. It’s called NFHS Penalty Enforcement Guidelines, and is available for download from our website. In it I tried to simplify and reorder those enforcement principles and also offer readers some tips that I’ve learned and employed over the years. I first put this together somewhere around the 2000 season and I’ve been updating and enhancing it every season since. I put it out to several friends from around the country, many of whom are state interpreters and at least two of which are or have been their state representatives to the NFHS Rules Committee. I’ve gotten great feedback from them and incorporated it as the years have gone by.
I’d like to make this available to everyone for his or her use. Please download a copy as soon as you can.
If you have any questions or would like to offer any feedback or suggestions for enhancing it, please feel free to reach out by phone, text or email, or by leaving commentary below.
