Referee Magazine

6 Types of Interference


Putting fouls such as holding and pass interference into categories can help officials recognize and call them. Here are six depictions of defensive pass interference.

1. Playing Through the Back

A defender cannot come over a receiver’s back to try to play a pass. Be careful not to penalize a defender who actually gets around the side of the receiver to bat down or perhaps even intercept a pass. From the wrong vantage point, it can look like early contact from behind and the official can improperly penalize a good defensive play. Also, don’t throw the flag when the contact by the defender and the touching of the pass by the receiver occur so closely together in terms of timing that one needs a slow-motion replay to see which really occurred first.

Six Elements of Your Officiating Anatomy


Officiating requires the use of many body parts and in most cases those parts must coordinate with one another.

The human anatomy is an intricate structure consisting of 11 systems and containing more than 37 trillion cells. Officiating requires the use of many of those body parts and in most cases, those parts must coordinate with one another. Here are 6 elements of your officiating anatomy.