Officials Roster

Note - the PDF copy of roster below was compiled on June 20, 2024, and contains any officials' profile updates and changes up until that point.

For the most recent up-to-date changes after the pivot date above - please refer to the dynamically generated list below, which is self-maintained by each individual official's profile.


2024 Rules Refresher Test / Concussion Course Info


This year's test is now available on our website to download, print and answer OFFLINE for review and studying purposes.

The test opens up online at the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) Website on Monday July 1, 2024, and must be completed and submitted by 11:59 PM on Monday, August 12, 2024.

In order to be certified for the coming season, all members must take and pass this test. The test must be passed with a minimum score of 80%, but each member is allowed two attempts to attain a passing grade. This test is offered ‘open book’ and members are encouraged to meet in groups/crews to discuss and complete the test.

In addition - as of July 1st, all concussion certificates for the 2023 season will no longer be valid; each member will need to go and recertify their concussion certificate and upload them to the NJFOA-North RefSec portal before the beginning of the season.


The link to the concussion course on NFHSLearn.com is here:


Registration and login is required on there before you are able to watch the videos and take the test for certification.

Home Team Uniform Requirements Clarified in High School Football Rules

Language in the 2024 NFHS Football Rules Book will be changed in an effort to ensure consistent interpretation of the rule regarding requirements for home team uniforms in high school football. Next season, all home team jerseys must be the same dark color(s) that clearly contrasts with white. 

This uniform change in Rule 1-5-1b(3) was recommended by the NFHS Football Rules Committee at its January 14-16 meeting in Indianapolis and subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors. The Football Rules Committee is composed of one member from each NFHS member state association that uses NFHS playing rules, along with representatives from the NFHS Coaches Association and NFHS Officials Association.

Previously, the rule regarding home team jerseys stated that the jerseys of the home team “shall be a dark color that clearly contrasts to white.” The revised rule will state that the jerseys of the home team “shall all be the same dark color(s) that clearly contrasts to white.” 

“We kind of had a loophole in the rule that we didn’t specify that everyone on the home team had to wear the same color dark jersey,” said Richard McWhirter, chair of the NFHS Football Rules Committee and assistant executive director of the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association. “Even though you didn’t see a major issue with it, it was a loophole in the rule that could possibly be a major issue in the future if it wasn’t corrected.”

2023-2024 Registration with the NJSIAA

The registration for the 2023-2024 school year has opened for ALL sports. 

To register please go to the www.NJSIAA.org website and sign in using your username (typically your email) and your password.

Once you have signed in, click on the “Registration for 2023-24” link and follow the instructions. Have your credit card ready as there is a fee for each sport you officiate and a one-time $10 background check fee.

We cannot help you with any login/payment issues you may experience with the NJSIAA – please contact them directly if you are having any issues. Tawanda Bennett is the person to speak with and can be reached on (609) 259-2776. 

Failure to register with the NJSIAA in a timely way could result in removal from your assignments and impact the possibility of future assignments so it is in your best interest to register ASAP.

You can check your eligibility on Zebraweb - I suggest doing so even if you are virtually certain that you are up to date just to make certain. Checking your eligibility is easy using ZebraWeb.

Step 1 – log in to Zebraweb
Step 2 – click on the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association | NJSIAA association
Step 3 – Under the reports header, find the pull down menu entitled “My Eligibility” then select “Season Year” 2023-24 and click View Report.
Step 4 – if the dot under “State Registered” is any color other than green, you are NOT registered and must do so ASAP

If you have a blue dot on the background check you may have to update your profile with the NJSIAA - just an FYI.