
Disqualification Reporting Policy Reminder

All Members:

This is a friendly reminder of what to do in the event that you eject anyone from a high school football game you are working. Please follow these instructions carefully each and every time you have an ejection:

  1. If it is a player get their number(s) - no name, NO ejection!
  2. If it is a player, you must inform the head coach AND get the player(s) name(s)
  3. If you eject a coach, please get the coach's name
  4. Immediately following the game (i.e., in the locker room) text Mark Bitar and me (Steve Peloso) with the particulars - number(s), name(s), reason for ejection
  5. That evening, log into RefSec and complete a DQ report. If you need your PIN and are unable to retrieve it from RefSec automatically, I can provide it for you upon request. 

Please keep your information in the description brief and to the point. Example - 

At 4:55 remaining in the 3rd quarter, player #3 John Doe, for XXX High School took off his helmet and began hitting player #45 for YYY High School. He was ejected and the head coach was informed.

Complete all the required fields in RefSec; once this is done correctly I will have the information I need to complete the on-line form on the NJSIAA website. I will then call the Athletic Director from the school(s) of the ejected player/coaches - you do not have to do this.

If/when you eject someone, this procedure must be followed; we have a 24 hour time limit to inform the schools. Failure to follow this procedure promptly limits the ability of the schools to address the situation appropriately.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


2023-2024 Registration with the NJSIAA

The registration for the 2023-2024 school year has opened for ALL sports. 

To register please go to the www.NJSIAA.org website and sign in using your username (typically your email) and your password.

Once you have signed in, click on the “Registration for 2023-24” link and follow the instructions. Have your credit card ready as there is a fee for each sport you officiate and a one-time $10 background check fee.

We cannot help you with any login/payment issues you may experience with the NJSIAA – please contact them directly if you are having any issues. Tawanda Bennett is the person to speak with and can be reached on (609) 259-2776. 

Failure to register with the NJSIAA in a timely way could result in removal from your assignments and impact the possibility of future assignments so it is in your best interest to register ASAP.

You can check your eligibility on Zebraweb - I suggest doing so even if you are virtually certain that you are up to date just to make certain. Checking your eligibility is easy using ZebraWeb.

Step 1 – log in to Zebraweb
Step 2 – click on the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association | NJSIAA association
Step 3 – Under the reports header, find the pull down menu entitled “My Eligibility” then select “Season Year” 2023-24 and click View Report.
Step 4 – if the dot under “State Registered” is any color other than green, you are NOT registered and must do so ASAP

If you have a blue dot on the background check you may have to update your profile with the NJSIAA - just an FYI.